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September 14, 2024

Baha’u’llah’s childhood and youth

The Blessed Perfection Baha’u’llah belonged to the royal family of Persia. From His earliest childhood He became distinguished among His relatives and friends. "This child," they said, "has extraordinary power." Not only in wisdom, but in the realm of new knowledge He was superior to His age and time. All were astonished. Some remarked, "Such a precocious child will not survive," for it has been believed that children who are precocious cannot live very long.

Until the Blessed Perfection reached the age of maturity He had not entered any school. He was not willing to be taught by any teacher. This fact is well known among the Persians of Tehran. Nevertheless He solved the difficult problems of all who came and inquired. In short whatever the meeting, whether scientific gathering or theological discussion, He always explained the abstruse problems presented to Him. 

- 'Abdu'l-Baha  (From a talk, 15 April, 1912, at a gathering of Baha’i friends at the home of Mrs. Emor New York, Star of the West vol. 3, no. 9, August 20, 1912)